Thursday, June 28, 2007

June 28, Day 18

Had a good day yesterday. I went out for lunch with a friend, to a Greek restaurant I hadn't been to before. Guesstimated my points using a website I found when I googled, then came home, looked in the official book, and saw that the website was waaaaaaay off. So I didn't eat as many points as I thought I did. Phew! Last night I went to Sweet Tomatoes with another friend. It's so easy to eat a Core meal there, and be completely satisfied.

I never realize how much I eat out until I decide to start eating healthier! So much of my life revolves around food. It's how I connect with friends, it's my hobby, it's one of my true joys. I love trying new things and having taste adventures. So the trick is to take that love of food and translate it into a love of healthy eating and healthy living! And always remember, the social occasions are about being SOCIAL, not making a pig of myself. The food is just a way to bring people together, not the event itself.

There's a potluck at work today. My plan of attack is to eat a small meal before I go, and to take an all-Core Greek salad. I can munch on that and whatever else I can find that looks safe, and be social while not blowing too many points.

B: Shredded wheat, banana, skim milk, black coffee

S: Yogurt and cherries (oh my goodness that was good)

Pre-potluck snack: popcorn, zucchini

L: veggie sticks, deviled egg (1), lentils and rice (1), pork chile colorado (1), chicken breast, Greek salad

S: Greek salad, nonfat decaf latte

D: Subway roast beef salad (2)

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 15
Points used: 5
Activity Points earned: 0
Points remaining: 10

Water: at least 12 glasses
Fruits/Veggies: about 8
Whole Grains: shredded wheat
Milk: 2+
Healthy Oil: yes
Protein: yes
Multivitamin: missed it today
Limit sugar and alcohol: didn't even do dessert at the potluck!

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