Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18, Day 8

Ah, Monday. Fresh week. I'm going to bump my weigh in from tomorrow to today, so I can claim my poundage. Down five pounds! WOO HOO! If I went to meetings, I'd get a star my very first week.

Now, a lot of that is water and I won't lose like that for long. Nor would I want to. Slow and steady - the slower you lose it, the easier it is to keep off, or so they say.

I didn't get any prep stuff done over the weekend (or laundry, for that matter, but that has nothing to do with this, LOL!). So, I've been rushing around all morning. Started a batch of yogurt that will go in the yogurt maker in about 15 minutes. Made up some quinoa to mix with the leftover black bean salad for a couple of days' worth of lunches. Planned tonight's dinner, though I suspect hubby will veto it (I want pork tacos. He'll want regular tacos. If it wasn't such a pain I'd make both!).

From Friday to Sunday, I went to the grocery store six times for various reasons. Every time, I picked up more produce. My fridge is overflowing, which is good as long as I keep track of it all and use it before it gets bad.

Here's the plan for today:

B: black coffee, shredded wheat, fresh peach (oh yum).

S: nonfat iced latte, diced cucumber and tomato mixed with ff feta cheese and balsamic vinegar

L: quinoa and black bean salad, Asian pear

S: popcorn, Starbucks reduced fat orange cream cake (7 points)

D: Red Robin fajita chicken salad, no cheese, dressing on the side (5 points)

S: Core brownie, sf/ff pudding pop

Exercise: 30 minute walk with the dogs

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 35
Points used: 12
Activity Points earned: 1
Points remaining: 24

Water: Yep
Fruits/Veggies: Yep
Whole Grains: Lots!
Milk: 3+
Healthy Oil: Yep
Protein: Yep
Multivitamin: Yep
Limit sugar and alcohol: Sort of...

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