Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26, Day 16

Another day...

I need to start forcing myself to exercise in the mornings. It's too hit or miss if I wait till lunch time or after work. Too easy to get focused on other things. I am planning to walk with a friend at lunch today, so that's good. It's not like I don't have time - I'm up at 5:00 every morning to make hubby's lunch. He leaves at 5:30 and I don't leave till 7:30. I have about 45 minutes of free time in there, so 20 minutes on the Gazelle would still leave me plenty of internet surfing time!

I made the best dessert last night. I made some ff/sf cheesecake pudding, and thawed out some frozen strawberries (unsweetened). Crushed those, stirred in the cheesecake, and voila! Just like strawberry cheesecake. TASTY!

B: shredded wheat, banana, skim milk, black coffee

S: Popcorn, Fage yogurt with cinnamon and splenda

L: Salad topped with roast beef and olives, jello

S: 1/2 of a core oat scone

D: Burger King Tendergrill chicken salad. Took their cheese off, put my own (ff) on, so 3 points. Plus one point worth of light Italian dressing. Glass of milk and two ff/sf pudding pops. Oat scone.

Activity: half hour walk at lunchtime.

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 27
Points used: 4
Activity Points earned: 1
Points remaining: 24

Water: about a gallon
Fruits/Veggies: 5
Whole Grains: shredded wheat, oats
Milk: 4 servings
Healthy Oil: no
Protein: chicken, dairy, roast beef
Multivitamin: yep
Limit sugar and alcohol: done

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