Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, Day Five

Well, after eating the majority of my weekly points allowance in one meal yesterday, I have to really construct a game plan for this weekend. We have to go to two family parties on Saturday and one on Sunday.

I can stay on program all day today - I bought a nice looking piece of salmon for dinner tonight, and I have plenty of leftovers and snacks to take to work today. So today will be
all core. I can exercise after work tonight (just got a new DVD to try from Blockbuster), and again tomorrow morning, so I can earn a couple of activity points. I can eat a late breakfast tomorrow morning so I don't eat so much at the first party tomorrow. This CAN BE DONE. I just have to stick to my guns.

The plan for today:

B: Shredded wheat and a banana, iced coffee with skim milk

S: Yogurt with cinnamon and splenda, diced peaches

L: Chicken and black beans with diced avocado and ff cheese, cucumber and jicama slices

S: popcorn

D: baked salmon, boiled potatoes, and steamed broccoli, with a ff/sf pudding pop for dessert

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 7
Points used: 0
Activity Points earned: 0
Points remaining: 7

Water: at least 12 glasses
Fruits/Veggies: 7
Whole Grains: yep
Milk: 3+
Healthy Oil: Yep
Protein: Yep
Multivitamin: Yep
Limit sugar and alcohol: None!

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