Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11, Day One

Note: I'll update this throughout the day...

Well, I can't weigh myself because I didn't get into the bathroom with the scale this morning until after I'd had my coffee. So...I'll get to that tomorrow morning. But, here we are, day one, and I'm feeling pretty darn confident. We had pizza for dinner last night, my last hurrah. Ringo helped me avoid the temptation of leftovers by pulling my leftover piece onto the floor and starting to chow down on it before I realized he wasn't in the living room anymore. That's the first time he's ever eaten off the counter before! Silly dog! He was punished mightily for it, but I'm sure he was just doing me a favor. Yeah, that's it! :-)

I'm having lunch with a friend today. Temptation already. I'm going to suggest that we go to the Mexican place, where I can get a taco salad, hold the cheese and sour cream. We're starting to meet up at parks now that the weather is getting nicer, which is easier - on those days, I just have to remember to bring a lunch that doesn't need to be heated up on those days!

B: iced coffee with skim milk
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

S: plums and pineapple, mixed with plain yogurt, cinnamon and Splenda

L: Qdoba naked chicken salad, hold the cheese and sour cream (and I hardly missed it). 2 points for whatever the chicken was cooked in.

S: Apple (by the way, for those inquiring minds out there, if you carry an apple around in a leather purse for a week, it tastes like leather. Blech!).

D: Chicken and black beans, green beans, milk, pudding pop (which turned out really well!).

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 35
Points used: 2
Points remaining: 33

Water: I stopped counting at 17 8-oz glasses
Fruits/Veggies: 5
Whole Grains: 1
Milk: 3
Healthy Oil: yes
Protein: yes
Multivitamin: yes
Limit sugar and alcohol: none

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