Monday, June 25, 2007

June 25, Day 15

Well, well, well. Apparently I've found one of my so-called "trigger foods". These are the foods that you just eat and eat and eat, not paying attention to fat, calories, or the fact that you've veered so far off program that if you were traveling from Portland to Seattle, you'd be in Australia. Pepperoni pizza. Apparently this is a trigger food for most of my family, because five of us managed to consume two extra large Round Table pepperoni pizzas at lunch yesterday. I think I can lay claim to six pieces myself.

As a result, when I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh-in, I am down ZERO pounds. At one point last week I'd lost three. But, at least it wasn't a gain and I happen to know that at least some of that is just water retention from all the salt. But, I did down more than my fair share of calories!

I did a few things right, though - I got a garden salad, and I drank water instead of beer. I really wanted a beer, too! We were helping my grandpa move once again, and it was hot and muggy in the apartment. Stressful, too, watching my mom have to deal with her father not wanting to move again, not understanding why he has to go. I also was on program at breakfast and got right back on when I made a small dinner.

And, it's another day. Another week, too. And I'll see a loss next week. Maybe even a big one, we'll see how it goes.

B: Wheatberry pancakes, black coffee, fruit cocktail, glass of milk

S: yogurt mixed with ff/sf chocolate pudding mix, banana

L: Qdoba naked chicken salad, hold the cheese and sour cream (2)

S: skim milk latte and a core brownie

D: Taco Bell - chicken soft taco, fresco style (4); two pintos and cheese, fresco style (3); cucumber slices and bell pepper strips; glass of milk; ff/sf cheesecake pudding with thawed frozen strawberries mixed in. Yum.

Activity: Schlepping boxes between the office and the warehouse for an hour.

Weekly points allowance (WPA): 35
Points used: 9
Activity Points earned: 1
Points remaining: 27

Water: About a gallon
Fruits/Veggies: about 6
Whole Grains: wheatberries
Milk: 4
Healthy Oil: STILL need to work on this one.
Protein: chicken
Multivitamin: yep
Limit sugar and alcohol: none

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